Italy invented fascism in 1919. In 1922 the March on Rome led to the first fascist government in history. These were events of global importance, which would affect the lives of millions. This talk will look at the history of Italian fascism through the stories of individual, ordinary and extraordinary people, with an emphasis on the violence of the black-shirts and its role in the rise of Mussolini to power.
John Foot is Professor of Modern Italian History at the University of Bristol. He is the author of numerous books on Italian history and culture, including Calcio: A History of Italian Football (2006); Italy’s Divided Memory (2009); The Man Who Closed the Asylums: Franco Basaglia and the Revolution in Mental Health Care (2015); and The Archipelago: Italy since 1945 (2018). His book Blood and Power: the Rise and Fall of Italian Fascism was published by Bloomsbury and by Laterza in Italian as Gli Anni Neri: Ascesa e Caduta del Fascismo in 2022.
Prof John Foot
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